Unraveled Academy

Unraveled Academy Instructor

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I had the pleasure of joining this really amazing educational forum for photography this past year and it has taught me a lot about it! Unraveled Academy is a really rad school that teaches a lot of ways to approach different genres of photography. When I started, I kind of thought this was just going to be another one of those online photography forums, but NOPE! I was wrong! I dove into every class that was offered and took the opportunity to take their amazing workshop. Let me tell ya, changed my life. The Unraveled Workshop is U-H-MAZING. I mean everything they offer is pretty much amazing, but as soon as I took the workshop, I felt home. Their holistic approach to photography spoke my love language! This art form truly is about mind, body, and soul. This was the first workshop I have ever invested in, I took the "Full Seat" participation, and am excited to go for round 2 of this in April! The Founders, Sarah Driscoll and Coleen Hodges are such kindred spirits! Every week I looked forward to seeing the video critiques from them on my homework assignments during the workshop.  If you haven't checked out Unraveled Academy or their workshop drop thru and check it out! Worth the investment not just in photography but in friendships. From top to bottom here is the list of photographers included in the rad promo they recently had! I was stoked to have one of mine of Avery apart of the line up! I mean look at that insane talent! 

Jayme Ford

Petra Tomicova 

Stormy Solis

Twyla Jones

Sarah Driscoll

