Dear Photographer Feature #mindfulminimalism Self Portrait

Dear Photographer Feature #mindfulminimalism Self Portrait

Dear Photographer feature

I am honored to be apart of Dear Photographer’s August blog feature. The theme was “mindful minimalism” and this was my photograph submission for the theme. Please take a moment to look at the link and check out all of the other incredible images featured also.

Dear Photographer June Feature- Landscape Speaks

Dear Photographer - Landscape Speaks

I LOVE the Dear Photographer Community! There are so many talented women who share so many beautiful vulnerable images. It is always an honor and pleasure to share space with so many incredibly talented souls. This photo was taken at sunrise in Fort Lauderdale. It was a quiet morning on the beach and there was this beautiful African wedding taking place right there at the sunrise on the beach. It was a beautiful thing to witness. Love is an incredible thing. You are love and so am I. Here is my interpretation of letting the "Landscape Speak".  Thank you Dear Photographer for the feature!