Reclamation Design Co.'s Traveling Dress Project

Reclamation Design Co.'s Traveling Dress Project


I have had the pleasure and honor of getting to know and work with Trista, the Owner and Designer of Reclamation Design Co.  She is an incredibly talented friend who creates beautiful  bridal couture with amazing vintage lace. I really love the versatility of her work and the flexibility of her designs. She even makes these gorgeous dress in maternity sizes!! How can you not feel like an earth goddess wearing one of her dresses!!  So back to the story, Trista approached me and ask if I would be interested in joining her team of photographers for this dress project and I was so honored and excited by it and nervous too! After learning of the names on her team I felt like there was ALOT to live up to. This is an opportunity of a lifetime and she asked me to be apart it! My heart was soaring with excitement. 

So when I opened up the package with this gorgeous, larger than life, dress I could hardly contain myself. The beautiful vintage filet lace made your jaw drop! I had my daughter stand on our piano bench and hold up the dress so I could take a photo of it... In that moment, I got all sappy mama seeing my oldest daughter holding up the wedding dress... thinking someday will be the day she will  be all grown up and we will be doing this again but for REALITY's sake..hopefully not for a LONG TIME..LOL .

Excuse the poor photo... Cell phone photo of Daughter holding up Reclamation Dress.

Excuse the poor photo... Cell phone photo of Daughter holding up Reclamation Dress.


I had a week with the dress and it was time to hustle. Every day during that week here in San Diego the weather was just so uncooperative. I was hoping to get some golden hour or sunrise shots and that didn't happen for me. I had to work with what mother nature dished me.  I text my girlfriend and we just made it happen. 

I chose the cliffs as a backdrop because that terrain is just so unique for Southern California's coast and I just love the strength and beauty of the ocean, which to me are just wonderful traits to have.  The day of the shoot, the morning seemed like gray skies, I figured, "ok cool, nature's softbox. We will work with it"  And what do you know, As soon as we started the shoot, the clouds burned off and I got this super bright harsh midday sun. Well I guess you can't win for trying but we made it work. The light was changing as the sun dipped behind the residual cloud cover so it was interesting to see the change in light in my shots during post processing. Which made it flexible for me to decide if I wanted to edit with a moody preset or a lighter, airy preset.  

My girlfriend had suffered some heavy heartache prior to this session so this was sort of her own way to release herself from the past and look forward to her future. She cried. I cried. It was awesome. She looked so carefree and stunning out there. Our time together that day reminded me of how beautiful the human heart is when you set yourself free from anything that holds you back and allow yourself to be happy again. How free and alive you are when you can see the best in the worst of times and not let those bad times define you. It was a day of gratitude and growth for both of us on so many different levels. The sun breaking free out of the clouds felt like a metaphor to something bigger, something greater.. Who knows. We just know we both just wanted to received all of that good energy we were feeling.  I enjoyed seeing her pure stoke and beautiful open heart in these shots. Thank you Trista and Leilani for the sisterhood and friendship always. It is so nice to have such rad supportive human beings as friends and I adore you both so much! You believed in me when not many did. For that I have an abundance of love and gratitude.  Without further ado. Please have a look at my Reclamation Traveling Dress Gallery . Please comment below on your thoughts on the series !! I'd love to hear what you think!!

The Traveling Dress Collective - The Emerald Green Dress

I had the pleasure of being apart of a really incredible project with 6 other incredibly talented women from across the United States. The project was called the Traveling Dress Collective. One dress and a team of photographers go out into the world and shoot a session inspired by the dress. This was truly an incredible experience and I made some amazing friends from it ! I'd like to share with you the entire blog submission.


Beauty. Love. Strength. Spirit. Courage. These five words embody who our  "Traveling Dress" woman is. She is a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend. She has struggles, strengths, triumphs, virtues that the unforeseen world does not notice. This project inspired each of us in our own way, to share our own vision of what it means to us to be a woman. As we poured ourselves into this project, we realized that although we may be different, we are truly all the same. One emerald green dress brought 7 strangers together and a sisterhood was born.


Team Emerald Dreams

Catherine Holmes, North Carolina        

“My story wasn’t interesting, just my little sister in 27 degree weather. I took the dress to Jockey Ridge State Park in OBX, North Carolina.”


Laura Frazier , Colorado

Laura is a Colorado based photographer with a love of all things travel, coffee and dogs. She is family fueled dreamer who is always chasing the light.  

Laura Frazier_01_Colorado.jpg

Jessica Miles, Florida

I was inspired to try something outside of my comfort zone. I had never been brave enough to shoot at night, so when the opportunity to join The Traveling Dress Collective arose, I decided to try something new. Ive been forcing myself to push my own boundaries this past year and began doing a lot of self portraiture to document my way through illness and back to health. For these images, I went to downtown Sarasota, and took them using whatever available light I could find late at night. It was challenging and eye opening to set outside my box.


Katy Yates

"The forest is where all magic comes from. It is where my heart lies and my mothering happens. There is a quiet there that cannot be found anywhere else! And from the forest comes strength and beauty and peace!”


Korinne Brownlee, Florida

 “My name is Korinne Brownlee and I own and operate Korinne Brownlee Photography in the southern region of Florida. When I saw the opportunity to be a part of the “Traveling Dress Collective” I jumped right on it! I love any and every opportunity to continue my growth in this industry as well as bolster my creativity alongside some fantastic fellow photographers. Believe it or not, I found this beautiful young woman who modeled for me, working at a popular Ft. Lauderdale restaurant in the midst of a girls’ weekend away I was enjoying with a few of my close friends. I approached in her a totally pro-stalker way telling her she was clearly striking and would love for her to meet me at sunrise the next day at my hotel to model for me (not creepy whatsoever—amiright?!) She was so gracious and came bright and early to blow my socks off with her natural beauty and effortlessly cool demeanor.”


Taylor Boyd, Florida

 “Though Boerne, Texas isn't the biggest town, the hill country is still a beauty, and when you add in a gorgeous green dress + heavy fog, you get spectacular moments.
I had actually had the dress once before. I had completed the session, ready to submit my images, and my hard drive failed me. 
The re-shoot was more than I could ever dream of, and even though I was so devastated with the loss of the first go-around, the second time I had the dress, it was absolutely what I needed to get the creative juices going.
My favorite part of photography is the adventure, and finding new spots to shoot in. This early sunrise session resulted in me finding the perfect little new spot to shoot in, and I was so excited about it!
Texas made a mark in the gorgeous Emerald green dress, and memories were made. I absolutely loved taking part in this journey!"


Steph Pate, California

“My original plan was to shoot with a model in the dress on a cliff side beach. The weather turned for the worst here in San Diego during the week I had possession of it. I had to improvise and come up with a plan B. The light was low in my living room and I became inspired to create a portrait that felt like I took the dress traveling back in time. I wanted to express how our roles in motherhood seem to remain the same thru history, how portraiture back then how powerful we can be it we want to be,. This is my Traveling Dress Story. 


If you are a photographer and are interested in starting a team and going for this project yourself, go to for more information and check out My Team's community collection HERE

See the Emerald Dress gallery in my Personal Projects.

My traveling dress experience was blogged also in the link here My Traveling Dress Experience