July Feature- Twyla Jones Photography

Emotional Storytelling Is a big passion of mine and it's no secret I am a huge fan of Twyla's work! She has been an amazing inspiration for me on my photography journey.  I am so honored and stoked to call her a mentor of mine. To be recognized by your "inspiration" in photography is a pretty big deal to me. I literally Girl Fan over every single one of her images. The theme for her Emotional Storytelling group was to share our beautiful "backlit" images. This particular photo was under the tutelage of the super rad and sweet Coleen Hodges. We were atop a Utah mountainside during the Unraveled Retreat in Utah with this beautiful Mama with her beautiful boys. The sun was setting behind the mountain and I saw this magical opportunity to capture this stunning backlit shot.

Here is the link to check out all of the other outstanding "backlit" imagery featured in Twyla's gorgeous blog post. 

Tell me what you think about the photo in the comments too if you have a moment! 

Twyla Jones Feature Badge

National Geographic Feature & Editor's notes

National Geographic Feature & Editor's notes

Nat Geo Feature

Editor's Feature, Daily Dozen, Assignment Features

Wow people! Never in my mind when I took this photo did I ever think that National Geographic would ever feature it. There was an assignment called "The Love of Parents" and I submit this shot to it. I titled the photo "Of all the things my hands have held"; inspired by the lyrics to one of my favorite songs. I chose to convert this over to black and white because I felt the emotion would translate beautifully. 

Now isn't it funny how you can remember exactly what took place when you take a shot. How you felt, who you were with. This photo was taken on a Utah mountainside under the tutelage of the amazing @twyla.jones during the Unraveled Retreat. It was such a joy to see her at work that day and to finally meet my idol in person and watch her at work. It was my first time meeting her and it was an unforgettable experience! Now flash forward, I submit this shot to a National Geographic black and white assignment; now it didn't get the most votes at first on National Geographic, but a lovely person left a really kind and thoughtful compliment & the Editor, David Y. Lee noticed it and left a very thoughtful note there for us. It was really awesome sh*t. I am so honored to be surrounded and encouraged by incredible mentors and peers. Thank you Twyla- I love you @somethingrad, to the Editor, David @davidylee, National Geographic. I have so much gratitude for the kindness. And just when I thought that was all, this shot even made National Geographic's Daily Dozen feature which is a pretty big deal in my eyes. 

Here are the links to the Nat Geo features. I think it is going to take awhile to come down from this amazing cloud of happiness. Words cannot express my gratitude. Go check it out!! I'm in there with other really really incredible photos! XO

Editor's Note

For the Love of Parents Feature  

The Daily Dozen

Twyla Jones May Feature- Adventurous Portraits of Children

Twyla Jones May Feature- Adventurous Portraits of Children


You guys you have to check out this May feature on Twyla Jones's website! She curated a really beautiful gallery of images and are featured HERE. She is so amazing at her craft and really knows how to beautifully display photography. This image was taken at the Unraveled Retreat in Utah during Twyla's class. As Twyla was giving instruction, little Sage ran across the field and stumbled on a skeleton of what looked to be a cow. She was so excited about her discovery, she scooped some of the bones up and ran back to show her Mother. In that moment, Twyla and I looked at each other gaped at the sight. Glad I had my camera handy to catch this photo too. Truly and unforgettable day and always honored to be recognized by her.