LooksLikeFilm July Feature

LooksLikeFilm July Feature

Ohhhh was I happy to receive the LooksLikeFilm ChooChoo for this shot!! It was our first time to Disneyworld. It was a hot humid summer day. Pretty much unbearable to stand in lines for the rides at the park. We hung out at the Disneyland Resort pool until the evening and went back to see the fireworks. When we arrived back to the park, Main Street was jammed packed with people waiting everywhere for the firework show to start. We had a plan in our mind to ride all of the rides while people were watching the firework show. As we approached the castle the Disney Ushers were blocking access to other parts of the park and just when we thought we were going to miss the opportunity to jump on some rides without wait times, an usher helped us walk thru the huge crowd, just as the show was taking place. It was going DOWN!!! I pulled out my camera and it was "right place, right time" kind of thing and boom. Got this really incredible shot of Sleeping Beauty's Castle and an unforgettable memories to go along with it. Thanks to my photography peers on LooksLikeFilm for giving me the love to get featured this month. 

About My Children's Art Portraiture Course & LooksLikeFilm Kids February Feature

About My Children's Art Portraiture Course & LooksLikeFilm Kids February Feature


I am SO excited to finally blog about my experience with Unraveled Academy. I was approached by one of the founders, Co Hodges, to teach a quick lesson on how I edited this photo of my sweet indigo girl. It was truly a rad experience and I am so happy to have shared that content with others. Another cool thing I shared was the Google Nik and hopefully some folks were able to download it before Dx0 took it over and is now charging coin for the service. This photo was also featured in LooksLikeFilm Kids. I've also included the rest of the series from that day in a gallery below. Feel free to check out the gorgeous images of my sweet love. And before I forget, you can also check out my interview with UA on the blog HERE


LooksLikeFilm February Feature

LooksLikeFilm February Feature


Can't speak enough about how special this photo is for me. When I took on this traveling dress project we didn't expect to be shooting this series indoors. But with the weather we made the best of the situation. Nevertheless a magical portrait was made of it. February LooksLikeFilm Feature Link is HERE Congrats to all of the other amazing artists who were featured. So much outstanding photos grace the pages of LooksLikeFilm . Truly always an honor.