Acevez Family

I honestly can’t believe I am just barely blogging this session. This was a session of one of my girlfriend’s who totally trusted me to document her gorgeous family. (Back when I was trying to “find my voice” or skills or whatever you wanna call it)

Haley is a local teacher, a loving mama, and seriously such a beautiful human. I met her years back waay before having kids and we were just grown ass kids being kids ourselves. Time’s a changed for us and now we are both happily married with kids and dogs connected to our hips … and you know what, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

On the day of their session it was very cold outside, & the wind was blowing super crazy. They were troopers marching up and down the beach with big, huge big smiles on their faces- UM.. how about this friggin “easy going” family session!!!

So let me just SPAM YO feed right now with some of their session. So many favorites were taken that day. I especially love the one of her husband, Aaron with his daughters. Just go & see what I mean :)

Acevez Family Session, Imperial Beach, CA