Alison, Nathan & Paige

Alison, Nathan & Paige

Costa Mesa,Ca

Making it a point to blog and share more of my work this year. This was a session gifted to this gorgeous mama by a couple of her girlfriends. I mean how rad is that?! And if you’re wondering if you can gift a session to someone, The answer is YES! We all need to celebrate ourselves and our special moments- SO.. hire me to document them for you! HAH! So, I chose this location because I loved the rocky coastline and it was close to the setting that I work with back home in Imperial Beach. It was a location in Orange County, that had crappy cell service and of course parking by any beach in California is the pits so by the time Alison found parking and located me on the beach at the bottom of this cliffside cove, we realized we had maybe about 15 minutes of sunlight and blue hour left. Looking back at these, It’s crazy to think that even in that little time we had together I scored some killer photographs. She later told me this was her first family session and well that just made my heart even more happy. Check out the gallery.

Lifestyle session Corona Del Mar

Acevez Family

I honestly can’t believe I am just barely blogging this session. This was a session of one of my girlfriend’s who totally trusted me to document her gorgeous family. (Back when I was trying to “find my voice” or skills or whatever you wanna call it)

Haley is a local teacher, a loving mama, and seriously such a beautiful human. I met her years back waay before having kids and we were just grown ass kids being kids ourselves. Time’s a changed for us and now we are both happily married with kids and dogs connected to our hips … and you know what, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

On the day of their session it was very cold outside, & the wind was blowing super crazy. They were troopers marching up and down the beach with big, huge big smiles on their faces- UM.. how about this friggin “easy going” family session!!!

So let me just SPAM YO feed right now with some of their session. So many favorites were taken that day. I especially love the one of her husband, Aaron with his daughters. Just go & see what I mean :)

Acevez Family Session, Imperial Beach, CA